Ok, I want to get everyone a quick update on mission 200. Mission 200 is my quest to get under 200 pounds before my 30th birthday. I have been on this quest for 2 months now, but decided to start taking it seriously as we approach the 1 month countdown. The motivation: After September 22, 2008, I am not to eat pizza, not a slice, NO PIZZA unless I am under 200 pounds the day this pizza is to be served. I am definatly starting to get nervous about this.
As recently as a year ago I was living right around the 220 mark and am down to 207.6 as of this morning. Yes, thats right I am counting tenths of a pound, every tenth counts.
I started jogging, or is it yogging, might be a soft J, anyways I started jogging two nights ago. I made it around my neighborhood (2 miles I think, felt like 10). The first night I was dying!!! I had to spit every 20 seconds, but I didn't walk at all. Last night was round number two and it was much much easier. I didnt spit once. This morning however my legs are absolutely killing me. Stretching is important and I was just too tired both nights to do anything other than shower and go to bed.
Anyways that is the quick update, I will keep you up to date on how Mission 200 is going including a request for "Coach Scanson's Rules of the Road Diet". Get back to you soon!
Good luck! You're very close. I suggest that you implement the red light/yellow light/ green light diet philosophy.
Good for you man! Good luck and keep us updated. You may have even inspired this lazy guy to hit the gym tonight! :)
Why don't you run with the girls during drills?
School hasnt started yet so no drills yet. Also if I can barely breathe then I cant yell and scream.
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