Have you seen the synchronized diving? It is ok, I would much rather watch swimming or table tennis, but if it is in HD, I will watch it. Anyways I don't think the synchronized divers take their synchronization seriously enough. Here are a few suggestions to take this sport to the next level.
- You can only enter this event if you and your partner look very similar, identical twins would be ideal.
- If one diver has a taped ankle, the partner must tape the same ankle. Everything should be done to appear the same and no one should be able to tell one diver from their partner.
- Synchronization doesn't end when you hit the water. They need to swim to the edge in synchro, get out of the pool in synchro, shower in synchro, celebrate high scores in synchro. I think this has tons of potential as a SNL skit or a Will Ferrell movie. Synchronized divers that have synchronized lives. Think about the potential, sychro dates, bathroom, interviews, driving, the possibilities are endless.
Post a comment if you have any other synchro situations that I didn't think of that have the comedic chops to qualify for our imaginary Will Ferrell movie.
Would synchro pairs only be able to date other syncro pairs in order to maintain pure synchronicity?
-synchro lawn-mowing
-synchro dentist visits
-synchro pillow fights
This will be an awesome movie.
YES!!! Synhro dentist visits!! I like where your head is at TW. When do we get a new blog courtside?
In regards to your poll: I have a mancrush on Phelps just like every other dude in the U.S...but Tiger won the freaking U.S. Open by playing 90 holes with a badly torn knee. Eight gold medals can't match that.
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