Friday, September 19, 2008

End Game!!

Its Friday at noon and my most recent weigh in was 202.6. Yes thats correct, I should have blogged more recently about my weight loss success, but I have been busy, back off! Anyways I have come down with a sickness and this could be exactly what I need to get to 200 by Monday morning.

Up until yesterday morning, when I fell ill, I had exercised more this week than I had since I was playing baseball in college. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow morning to make a serious run at 200 for Monday.

I also want to give a quick shoutout to Diet Lipton Green Tea. DLGT, thank you for being my go-to soda subtitute and low calorie refresher!

1 comment:

nicole dingerson said...

I did not get to text or call today, but I was thinking of you on your 30th! Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful day. Congratulations on achieving your goal! We love and miss you.