After my first season with the MSU Women's Basketball team, I found myself a good 15 pounds heavier at the end of the season than I weighed at the beginning. I was perplexed because I practiced often with the team and wasn't necessarily out of shape.
It was during season 2 that I figured out the problem. We were at Olive Garden in Dallas Texas. I was about to eat my 5th breadstick when I thought "hmmm, maybe eating on the road is the reason I am putting on weight." This was followed by Coach Binford finishing half of her plate and then just pushing it in front of me. This was a terrible habit that we got in. Coach Bin would throw her leftover food at me like you would give table scraps to the family dog.
These behaviors needed to change. With the help of our SUPER ATHLETIC Trainer Heather and Ty Ty the Radio Guy, we came up with "Scanson's Rules of the Road."
It was during season 2 that I figured out the problem. We were at Olive Garden in Dallas Texas. I was about to eat my 5th breadstick when I thought "hmmm, maybe eating on the road is the reason I am putting on weight." This was followed by Coach Binford finishing half of her plate and then just pushing it in front of me. This was a terrible habit that we got in. Coach Bin would throw her leftover food at me like you would give table scraps to the family dog.
These behaviors needed to change. With the help of our SUPER ATHLETIC Trainer Heather and Ty Ty the Radio Guy, we came up with "Scanson's Rules of the Road."
- Don't eat off anyone else's plate. This is the "family dog" rule. It is the most important and hardest rule. Very often someone will have something amazing to eat and they want to share. According to my rules of the road this is forbidden.
- Bacon or Sausage, Not Bacon AND Sausage. We see our fair share of breakfast buffet's on the road. The highlight for me had been a wonderful selection of breakfast meat. I had been guilty of a plate full of bacon and a plate full of sausage, not good. Now it is one or the other.
- All you can eat...ONLY a suggestion
- Do not eat a 5th breadstick. I am thinking about having this apply to slices of pizza as well.
- Dessert only if in the name of the restaurant. This is the "Cheesecake Factory" loophole.
- Dont eat until you pass out. This rule has also been known as stop eating if you lose feeling in your arms. And I don't mean literally pass out, but eat to the point where you say "wow I could pass out" or "I could put my head down and sleep right now." That is the Don't eat until you pass out rule.
- Cleaning your plate is a bad thing. It is better to leave one bite of food on the plate than to force yourself to eat it.
- Avoid "French" Food. This is a new rule that Heather, Tyler, and I came up with Sunday night when I was at my new favorite airport restaurant: Jimmy's Bistro & Spirits in the Denver Airport, terminal A. Anyways avoid French Fries, French Toast, French Onion Soup, and French cut green beans. This does not include curly fries, potato wedges, or jo-jos.
- I think we had 8-9 rules, I need to consult Heather and Tyler, hopefully I can update the rest of the Rules. If you have suggestions, let me know!
that is super ATHLETIC trainer to you :)
I know there were more rules....this is why we should have been keeping a notebook all along.
This is the first time I have had internet access in 2 days, or else I would have been all over this sooner. I remember there being more rules, but I am struggling. I will put on my thinking cap and search my soul for the final "rules". BTW my personal favorite is the breakfast meat rule.
Not only is it healthy to avoid "French" foods, it is also patriotic! U-S-A!
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