Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Monday night I had a wicked case of hiccups. It started around 3:30 pm and didn't stop until I put myself in a NyQuil Coma around 10:30 pm. (I had a nice 2 hour brake from 5:30 - 7:30, but still 5 hours or hiccups Monday night).

I tried drinking water turned upside down, a can of ginger ale, a can of sprite, I held my breath, I tried to change my breathing pattern, everything.

How do you get rid of hiccups? Other than drugging yourself with NyQuil, what is your magic cure to hiccups?

Post your remedy please (Athletic Trainers are especially encouraged to help)


Tyler said...

Get a spoonful of sugar and hold it in your mouth for a few minutes before swallowing. Works every time. You're welcome.

Heather said...

1) Get a glass of water.
2) Take a medium sized sip.
3) Tilt your head back all the way back as far as you can.
4) Swallow
5) Say "That's what she said"
6) Repeat 3 times.

I've never actually done # 5 before, it just seemed appropriate...

Coach Scanson said...

Thank you and thank you!

Coach Scanson said...

Thats what she said!
Thats what she said!
Thats what she said!!

Heather said...

You have to repeat everything 3 times, not just step 5!!